Monday, April 30, 2012

Heterosexualization of men and their spaces

Heterosexualization of a society or of social spaces refers to a process whereby the gender-based spaces in traditional non-Westernised (and pre-modern western societies in the past) -- which are divided into men's spaces, women's spaces and third gender spaces -- are abolished as part of Westernization of the society and replaced with heterosexual, mixed-sex spaces. It further involves segregating the society, especially the men's spaces, on the basis of sexual orientation.

In other words, heterosexualization of a society involves changing the character of a society from 'gender segregation' to 'sexual orientation segregation'.

In a traditional society divided on the basis of gender orientation, there are usually three genders/ identities/ spaces: Men, women and third gender (the last consisting of people who are considered both males and females, including hermaphrodites, intersexuals and feminine gendered males -- transgendered, cross-dressers, transvestites and transsexuals of whatever sexuality).

In a heterosexualized society, these spaces are converted into : Heterosexual mixed sex space (formerly men's spaces), Heterosexual women space and LGBT (previously third gender).

Heterosexualization of a society also involves heterosexualizing the customs, traditions, rituals, values, mores, attitudes, beliefs, history, mythology, laws, science and other social institutions and cultural elements of a society.

Heterosexualization of individuals refers to a process whereby humans, particularly men, are conditioned to be exclusively heterosexual, often by suppressing or blocking their sexual need for men, and diverting this need towards women through various psycho-social mechanisms.


Heterosexualization is an oppressive, particularly anti-man process which was invented in the modern west, which seeks to destroy the natural and traditional way of human living, i.e., in separate male, female and third sex spaces. The primary target of this process are the men's spaces which are converted into mixed sex spaces for both men and women.

The heterosexualisation of men's spaces are accompanied by making the pressure on men to prove their sexual interest in women to the extreme -- so much so that it takes the form of a sexual identity -- called Heterosexuality. Western Heterosexual spaces maintain that the overwhelming majority of men have an exclusive, constant and all-pervading sexual interest in women, which guides all their actions and attitudes, and that they are all capable and willing of emotional and social bonds with women. Heterosexualisation is also accompanied by an extreme pressure on men to suppress their sexual need for men, or else be isolated out of the men's spaces (which are now completely heterosexualised).

In other words, heterosexualisation of social spaces also involves the 'homosexualisation of male-male sexual and even social bonds'. Through this process, using the Western concept of 'sexual orientation', men who own up their sexual need for men are isolated into the modern version of the third sex, the 'homosexual'. The Third sex space, including the 'gay' space has traditionally been extremely stigmatised for men, and this means that the the majority of men who earlier indulged in sexual and romantic activities with other men, albeit behind a social screen, are now forced to completely disown their sexual need for men, which the heterosexual society then propagates as a quality that belongs to 'feminised' males, known as 'homosexuals'.

The heterosexual spaces, where the forces of heterosexualisation are extremely powerful and in complete control of the men's spaces, propagate such values, where male-female sexual need is the most important human quality upon which the entire mainstream social structure and mores are based. The male-female sex and romantic bonds have the supreme right and position in the social hierarchy, before which the traditional bonds are given a secondary place. Thus the male-female sexual bond has the supreme right over all other bonds -- be it the mother-adult son relationship, two brothers or a brother-sister bond.

Especially targeted for persecution in heterosexual spaces are bonds between men, and not only sexual bonds but even friendships. Heterosexual spaces do not give this most cherished of male relationships any space or dignity at all, and of course no recognition or rights. Any social or emotional intimacy between two males is promptly labelled as 'gay', keeping in mind the extreme fear that men have of this word. E.g. in the US, two men cannot hold hands in public without being jeered as 'gay'. Two male friends cannot sit on the same seat on an empty bus, nor can they go for a movie without a girl with them. Of course, these spaces have generated so much hostility against male intimacy that they would never think of dancing together with another man, which comes easily to a man who has grown up in a non-western traditional space.

The media, which is heavily in control of the forces of heterosexualisation are one of the main instruments of control and propaganda for these forces. They propagate such male behaviour as men "puking at the thought of being kissed by another male", which are not natural male behaviours, and not found in men who live in traditional men's spaces. A lot of ruckus was created by these hostile forces upon a kissing scene between two men in the movie Alexander.

In fact, anything that the forces of heterosexualisation do not want men to indulge in is propagated as 'gay' by these forces. And it works every time.

The heterosexualised spaces are very sensitive to the needs and dignity of women but quite hostile to the needs and privacy of men.

Heterosexualization of Men

Heterosexualization of men is a process whereby, social mechanisms that work at the macro and social level as well as psycho-social mechanisms that work inside men psychologically, are exerted on men to supress their sexual need for men and to and divert this sexual need towards women, in order to make them heterosexual. The outer and inner social mechanisms created to do this include:

(1) social stigma around male-male sexuality that considers it inappropriate and immoral,

(2) Religious condemnation by Judeo/Islamic/Christian religions.

(3) the concept of Sexual orientation, through which men who show outer signs of intimacy with other men are identified, labelled and then isolated away from the men's mainstream spaces, into third sex ghettos known as 'homosexual'.

(4) Peer-Pressure

(5) Race for Manhood
(6) Ridiculing, and verbally, emotionally or physically abusing sexuality between men.

(7) Making fun of male-male sexual feelings, and especially portraying it as feminine (third sex) on the media.

The forces of heterosexualisation keep on refurbishing these mechanisms and keep adding to the pressures on men in heterosexual spaces, because, if they relent, men may easily retrieve their sexual need for men, and their exclusive heterosexuality may be lost.

Although, the Western, Heterosexual spaces claim to be open, just and fair, it is considered absolultely valid to create, maintain and impose these pressures on men to make them heterosexual, including the sexual exploitation of men, if it teaches them to open up to women, sexually, socially and emotionally.
Men succeed in heterosexualising themselves to various degrees, the rest they make up by pretences and wearing masks of heterosexuality.

Additional Reading:

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